1. How is visual weight different than physical weight?
The visual weight is a measure of how important an object is in a composition. Physical weight is a force, it is measured when a mass undergoes acceleration.
2. What happens to objects when they get close to the edges of a composition?
It depends on where the object is at on the edge. If they are near the top, they will tend to float, while near the bottom they will have a low, sinking feeling.
3. Why are human beings more comfortable with balanced compositions?
They contribute to the stability of the the human mind.
4. What happens when there is imbalance?
It throws our equilibrium slightly off. We start to ponder the composition.
5. Is there a place for purposeful imbalance? Give some examples.
Eric Fischl, Barbeque, 1982. The background is distorted and somewhat disgusting which creates an imbalance also in color.
6.Why is symmetrical balance so popular in architecture?
It does well for the structural well-being of the building. It also helps calm the mind so no one will think that a big building is falling over.
7. Can different types of balance be used in a single composition?
8. How many ways are there to achieve asymmetrical balance? Name them.
Quite stable, very dynamic, nearly chaotic
9. Is radial balance always symmetrical? Why or why not?
It can not be at some times because the middle of the symmetry may not be in the center.